We, the organisations, businesses, groups and communities of our City of Nottingham and County of Nottinghamshire, stand in solidarity against the destructive and divisive riots that are taking place across our region and country.
Our community is, and always will be, a diverse community. This community contributes enormously to the places we all call home. Our staff, customers, visitors, audiences, and artists are part of this community, they deserve to feel safe.
The behaviour of the few, in no way represents who we are or what we stand for as a community, the violent scenes we have seen on the streets of this country only serve to divide us all and to create fear. We want to reassure the diverse communities of our city and beyond that we stand with them. There is no place for racism or violence here, there is no place for hatred or division, there is no place for destruction or aggression.
We call for all violence to end, for calm and safety to prevail, and for respect and dignity be shown to the families of those so tragically taken on 29 July in Southport.
List of organisations who signed already:
Marketing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Tom Dale Company
Nottingham City of Literature
New Art Exchange
Broadway Cinema
New Perspectives Theatre Company
Nonsuch Studios
ChalleNGe Nottingham
Nottingham Playhouse
The Hustle Collective
Green Hustle
Nottingham Contemporary
Nottingham City Council
National Justice Museum
Resolve Nottingham
Rebel Sparks CIC
Circus Hub CIC
SHEWOLVES Productions
DHP Family
Lakeside Arts
Five Leaves Bookshop
Curious Nottingham Ltd
Tiger Community Enterprise CIC
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
Bromley House Library
Nottingham Growth Board
Devello Group
City Arts
Paragon Law
Ruddington Framework Knitters Museum
Eden Public Relations
It’s in Nottingham
Big Old House
Atkins Search Ltd
Rialto Training
Nick Owen Publishing
ARC Space Co-Working
Notts LGBT+ Network
Nottingham Comedy Festival and NCF Comedy
The Original Nottingham Ghost Walk