Beat the Streets will be taking place on 28 January 2024 with the aim of once again raising thousands of pounds to help rough sleepers in Nottingham
The grand total raised for Framework over five editions to date of the festival that takes place at venues across the city now stands at more than £409,000 generated from ticket sales and bar income, merchandise and donations.
Organisers DHP Family are inviting artists who are interested in playing one of the stages at Beat The Streets to get in touch. Participating venues include Rock City, Rescue Rooms, Bodega, Stealth and Rough Trade and tickets are on sale now from £10.
DHP Family’s Joe Patten, lead booker for the festival, said:
“We’ll be putting together some fantastic all day line ups across the stages showcasing all the amazing talent in Nottingham and around the county. We’ve got plenty up our sleeve but we’re always keen to hear from anyone who wants to play the festival too, so don’t be shy!”
Since its launch in 2018, the award-winning festival has made a real difference to the lives of rough sleepers in Nottingham. Framework estimates that more than 300 people have benefited directly from interventions wholly or partly funded through Beat the Streets.
Funds from the 2023 edition has enabled the creation of eight self-contained flats in Forest Fields for long-term rough sleepers who have been on the streets for more than 20 years. Named Akins House for the directors of DHP Family in recognition of the company’s ongoing support for the charity, the accommodation is set to provide housing from March 2024 combined with support to ensure they do not fall back into the cycle of repeat homelessness.
Previously money raised by the festival has supported the employment of specially trained mental health workers and kept Framework’s winter shelter open through Covid.
DHP Family MD George Akins said:
“When we started this back in 2018, we had no idea that it would be as successful and well supported as it now is. Thanks to the generosity of everyone who donates their time to help stage the festival and every single person that buys a ticket, it’s proved to be an event that really is making a difference and one we are proud to continue for as long as it is needed.”
Just last week, DHP Family was presented with a ‘Friends of Framework’ plaque in recognition of the ongoing support.
Framework’s CEO Andrew Redfern said:
“The wonderful Beat the Streets music festival started after George Akins approached me to express concern about the number of people sleeping rough in Nottingham.
“George asked how he and his colleagues could help and, since 2018, they have done so in the way they know best – by expertly bringing together a wonderful array of musical talent year after year to inspire and entertain a large and growing public.
“With the enthusiastic voluntary support of everyone involved they have created a series of outstanding festivals – inspiring beacons of hope that cheer up the last Sunday of January each year.
“In the process they draw attention to the iniquity of homelessness and raise vital funds to support our work with homeless people, and particularly rough sleepers, across Nottingham. The Community Impact award at last year’s UK Festival Awards was well deserved.
“Beat the Streets has become Framework’s most significant annual fundraising event and our connection with DHP Family is one of our most cherished corporate relationships.
“It is a regrettable fact that the number of people sleeping rough, and the challenge of homelessness generally, has increased in the years since my first conversation with George. So we hope the public will once again support Beat the Streets generously in 2024
Beat the Streets currently holds the national UK Festival Award Community Impact title for the festival judged to be making the most difference to its community.
Framework turns around the lives of rough sleepers providing housing, health, employment, support and care services to people with a diverse range of needs. To find out more about the brilliant work Framework does, head to
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Posted on 07 November 2023