Nottingham is on the cusp of an incredibly exciting time in its history. With an unprecedented series of developments including the £2bn regeneration of Southside and the £30m transformation of Nottingham Castle underway, 2021 will provide a huge opportunity for the city to promote itself nationally and internationally.
We are doing a piece of research in partnership with the Nottingham BID and Nottingham City Council to gather people’s views on what makes Nottingham such a great place to live, work and visit. We’ll use the findings from these three surveys (aimed at Citizens, Businesses and Visitors) as well as a series of follow-up workshops to develop a ‘city story’ that we can use when marketing Nottingham.
This will enable us to work together to promote a unified, clear and exciting narrative of the city in the run up to – and beyond – 2021.
We would love to hear your thoughts on what makes Nottingham a great place to live, work and visit.
- If you own, run or manage a business in Nottingham, please click here to complete the survey for businesses.
- If you live in or around Nottingham, please click here to complete the survey for citizens.
- If you don’t live in Nottingham but you’ve visited in the past (e.g. as a tourist, day shopper or visiting friends and relatives) please click here to complete the survey for visitors.
Posted on 29 January 2020